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Misogyny is Timeless

Imaani A.

Updated: May 5, 2024

By Imaani A., staff writer


Misogyny: the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. A term coined in the 17th century, but an act that has taken place far longer than we can imagine. However, it is a matter that is still being neglected as it has for centuries. Approximately 90% of the world’s population holds some form of prejudice against the female population, statistically including women themselves. The diction of the word as well as the action has been skewed so much over time that even people who fall victim to misogyny are unaware. Misogyny has become so rampant that women who advocate for equality are immediately labeled as misandrists because the world can not handle a strong female voice. Though the task of rebuilding a society in which misogyny can be abolished is incredibly daunting, people need to be made aware of exactly how these ideologies become ingrained into their minds. 

From the very moment a young girl becomes aware of the world around her there are two things she is forced to realize: boys are entitled to far more than a girl can perceive, and girls must unquestionably accept that. A universal experience in girlhood is when an impertinent boy harasses you by pulling your hair or calling you a vulgar name; an action not necessarily rooted in malice, but a harmful action nonetheless. In the following instance, you report this to an adult only to be met with, “Oh, he must like you!” A part of your brain fast-tracks to disbelief and the cadence of your heart matches that of confusion, should affection really make me feel so violated? The answer society will tell you is yes, because that is how it has always been. This entitlement is simply a form of misogyny in its most naive stage because no matter the age, a girl’s feelings never fail to be ignored. 

Internalized misogyny is a condition most women do not realize they are equipped with. Internalized misogyny is when a woman unconsciously projects sexist ideals onto other women and themselves ( With the progression of social media, the mortification of women has become something present in everyday life. These detrimental ideologies are forced upon the average woman’s mind and become ruinous. This is not to say that women do not think for themselves, because like everyone else they can formulate unique opinions, but these preconceived notions presently overlap most decisions. So, how can people distinguish internalized misogyny? A typical case can be how women are often quick to project judgment onto themselves or others. Not fitting the patriarchal beauty standard is not a matter women are in control of, yet they inwardly yearn for the male validation of reaching that height. This is because men are in control of what is deemed socially beautiful and ugly, so women internalize this belief and out of frustration may project it onto themselves or others. 

A way to eliminate internalized misogyny in your mind is to observe the moments when you are feeling subservient and evaluate those situations. Positive affirmations can help reprogram your subconscious into internalizing self-love and embracing natural femininity. 

For centuries, women have been trying to cultivate gender equality by projecting the feminist movement. The first feminist wave took place in 1848. By definition, feminism is the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. That may make you wonder, why do some women not identify as feminists? Well, the media has defamed the true meaning of feminism and pushed this distorted and fallacious visual of feminism into people’s minds. The media has contorted the feminist movement into this false ideal of being a group of men-haters who love pink and want to harm men. This is a form of misogyny because it utterly defames a woman’s character by portraying this movement as something negative, and it discourages women from joining a cause that will lift them up. The misogynistic roots in our society couldn’t not handle seeing men on the same playing field as women, so instead they chose to perpetuate inequality by impeding a movement for equality that would improve our society. In truth, feminists work to provide a gender-equal society for future generations to make our world more harmonious. Over time, misogyny has shifted into every aspect of a woman’s life, and this effect often goes unseen. If we as people want to achieve a better society for all, we need to know about these problems in order to find the solutions.

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